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March Meeting Reflection


Updated: Mar 22, 2022

First off, thanks again to Kevin for hosting the Fellowship. Thanks be to all sixteen of you for your thoughts and for sharing in the edifying conversation during yesterday evening’s gathering.

Several of you expressed to me your appreciation for the varied perspectives represented, perspectives united by a common love of God and neighbour. It was and is both humbling and invigorating to hear from men of different backgrounds, ages and states in life, complementary insights which grant to us valuable working knowledge to enable us to live the Faith fruitfully during our time, when there are so many challenges that hinder the development of true and lasting friendship, that friendship with God and neighbour affirmed in the readings we heard from Saint John’s Gospel (15:1-17) and Saint Aelred’s writings on friendship.

Our recent gathering reminds me of a passage of Blessed Paul the Apostle’s Epistle to the Ephesians 4:15-16.

Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love.

One of you, in an email, commented:

It's so very important for good men to sit and be together reflecting on truth, beauty, and goodness.

Thank you for updating the email list by confirming your contact information. David Duchesne has kindly offered his home for a gathering next month. Date TBA – 7pm on a Monday in later April.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,


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